Office: (254) 879-2258
Lab: (254) 879-2228
Fax: (254) 879-2020
After Hours
(254) 979-7662
Rates and Fees
Due to substantial increases in water and sewer costs and related treatment, distribution, and collection expenses, the Minimum Monthly Fee and Metered Water and Sewer Rates will be going up for Residential, Seasonal, and Commercial Water and Sewer Services.
The EFFECTIVE DATE for NEW RATES will be for water and sewer charges billed on or about June 28, 2022
Old Rate New Rate
RESIDENTIAL WATER RATE - minimum $25.95 $29.95
0 - 3,000 gallons included in minimum
3,001 - 5,000 gallons billed at $6.02 per thousand
over 5,000 gallons billed at $5.78 per thousand
SEASONAL WATER RATE - minimum $15.95 $19.95
0 - 500 gallons included in minimum
All water usage over 500 gallons billed at $10.00 per thousand
RESIDENTIAL SEWER RATE - minimum $15.00 $19.50
Notice For Past Due Collections
DUE DATE: Accounts are due by the 10th of the month.
NOTE: PAST DUE NOTICES are not mailed out
DISCONNECT FOR NON-PAYMENT: Accounts with bills unpaid after the due date will be subject to disconnect on the 20th, or first work-day following the 20th, of the same month bill is due.
RECONNECT FEE: The Reconnect Fee for non-payment is $55.00.
If there are any questions or you need any additional information please come by or call our office. Phone (254) 879-2258 or e-mail
Miscellaneous Charges
Deposit (for each meter) - $50.00
Processing & Connection Fee - $35.00
Reconnect Fee (for nonpayment of bill) - $55.00
Mainline Tapping Fees* (for 5/8 x 3/4 inch service**) - $750.00 base***
* First 20 feet (where possible) is included. All over 20 feet will be financial responsibility of customer.
** Service taps larger than 5/8 inch will be priced at time requested.
*** Water Service Taps may include additional charges for items such as crossing roads, waterways, and other.
Note: District employees are not allowed to perform service work on the customer side of the meter.
(For lab fees, click here.)